The Klondike Effect. It works anytime, anywhere. An idea that changes the world.


Prosperity for every region, city, municipality, small business, entrepreneur, family and individual



1. Bringing money to the counties

2. Keeping the most money in the counties

3. Additional Internet currency with special rules. It is required. Euros and dollars cannot be kept in districts.


1. Currency distribution - UBI

2. Creation of a network of complementary internet markets

3. Internet platform


1. Money in counties creates demand

2. Demand is more important to entrepreneurs than anything else

3. The district must meet the criteria. Only then will the Internet currency come.


1. If the counties prosper, the state will prosper.

2. A startup can manage the project. However, cooperation with the state will greatly accelerate the project.

3. The Klondike Effect. This is the effect on which the whole solution is based. It works everywhere, all the time. Regions with enough money prosper. When big companies leave, they decline. On the other hand, with investment, they come back to life. The Taylor Swift Effect is also a variation of the Klondike Effect. But short-term.

Project Bossa is a startup that will bring prosperity to every region, city and village on the planet through dozens of applications and special algorithms. It will provide small businesses, entrepreneurs, families and individuals with recommendations for economic activity.

Getting money into regions is a prerequisite for a thriving economy. Keeping the money in the regions is an even bigger challenge. You can't do that with dollars and euros. It's very easy with digital currencies. But that is not enough. All economic processes must be constantly monitored and evaluated. Solutions and recommendations must be proposed. Special algorithms do this.

If there is prosperity in one region, there can be prosperity in the rest of the 53,561 regions. Different strategies and ideas can be tried out in the regions.

Each region is different. Each is at a different stage of development. Some will prosper sooner, others later. Developed regions will be models for developing regions.


1 Eradicate poverty

2 Development for all regions of the world

3 Prosperity for all

4 Unconditional income

5 4-day week and further reduction of working hours

6 Deepening democratic processes and expanding the scope of citizens' decisions. Streamlining democratic processes. Algorithms will ensure greater influence of experts in the field. Full citizen control of decision-making systems.

7 Development of artistic, sporting, entertainment, creative, educational and other activities in the regions. Demand for these activities will be created by the gradual reduction of working hours.

8 Ecological focus. Local energy sources mean green energy. A 4-day week means a significant reduction in transport. 3D printing means less transport of goods. Prosperity of all regions means less migration.

9 New job opportunities

10 The creation of new brands that do not have to face immediate global competition.

11 New types of products

12 The ability to offer goods in any city in the world.

13 Tackling the negative effects of globalisation in less prosperous regions

14 Encouraging people to return to less densely populated regions

15 Revitalising agriculture, fruit growing, gastronomy, crafts, food processing, alternative energies, light industry, transport in the regions...


1 Use of local resources. Labour, land and the occasional factory have always been local resources. The new local resources will also be energy, robotics, aed systems, information.

2 A special platform on the Internet. It will contain dozens of applications. It will allow to collaborate, to trade, to distribute information in a fast and easy way. With one click it will be possible to reach users in all countries of the world.

3 Digital currency for the 99%. The project's main element. People need a simple digital currency where goods have a stable price and can be used to pay in a London pub and a small shop in the Peruvian Andes. It needs a digital currency that 6 billion people will use.

Regions with enough money will prosper. They decline when big companies leave. On the contrary, with investment, they are on the rise. This principle works always and everywhere.

There are a few steps to be taken.

- Get money to all regions of the world. You can't do that with dollars and euros, but with digital currencies it's very easy to keep

- to keep most of the money in the regions. Dollars won't stay in the regions, but most digital currencies will. If you know how to design the digital currency properly

- to eliminate exchange rate fluctuations. A special pegging mechanism to the dollar and the euro will help to

- economic activity in the regions. The money should aically stimulate it.

But Project Bossa also includes tools for entrepreneurs

- What and where to do business, how to do business, relieving them of many responsibilities.

- Create trust in the digital currency. This is ensured by the special design of the digital currency.

- Simplify mining, storage and payments in digital currency. All this is included in Project Bossa.

- It is enough for Project Bossa to work in just one of the 53,562 districts in the world. Then it will quickly spread everywhere. Islands of prosperity will emerge, attracting people from poor areas and favelas. Gradually, there will be more and more islands.

The digital currency for the 99% will be one of the last applications. It will be introduced gradually in regions that meet the criteria of economic activity and interest of the population. Money without economic activity is inflation.

4 Project Bossa will provide large amounts of accurate data on the economic behaviour of individuals and companies. It will make it possible to find new patterns that lead to prosperity and efficiency. It will show the extent to which local resources are used in each region. It will allow comparisons to be made between regions. Universities will get economic data (anonymised) for research. This has not been possible until now.

5 Information systems that will take over many of the activities of entrepreneurs and businesses. They will also provide up-to-date information on developments in the areas in which entrepreneurs operate.

6 Gradual introduction of robotics, 3D printing, aed systems, modular production in all regions.

7 School systems that will provide the most up-to-date scientific knowledge.


Co-operation with local and national governments is highly valued.

The market that dominates today's economic system is competition. In competition there are always winners, but many more losers. The way out is cooperation. Cooperation between smaller regions. Project Bossa includes mechanisms for regions to accept this model.

We are not against the market. The market is a natural and useful element. It will be a natural part of the project. But it will not be its goal.

We are not fighting anyone. Currencies like the dollar and the euro will remain. The digital currency for the 99% will be a complementary currency. Big business will not be negatively affected by the project. On the contrary, it will open up huge new markets for them with an enriched population around the world.

Project Bossa will be built gradually but quickly. Individual modules and applications will be added gradually, and there will be dozens of them. It will take about a year to programme the applications. Their content will be filled by individual users. Access to the project will be free, as will a number of services. There will be a small charge for some of the services for businesses.

The success of the project depends on finding one or more investors. Trusted investors. The preliminary cost estimate is $15 million, but that will be recouped quickly.

And of course people have to be interested in the project. If enough people are interested in Project Bossa, investors will be found more quickly.


People interested in Project Bossa can get in touch now.

Until now, activist activity has usually been directed against someone - polluters, corporations, politicians, banks... Activists will be given a real alternative to promote something positive.

Project Bossa will be successful if it involves enough people.

We welcome it:

- register with the project ( - including name, country, region and email address, social media contacts. Name, country and region will be published on the website, email address and social media contacts only if agreed.

- Collect information that will be useful for the project (e.g. websites with the latest technologies, latest economic initiatives...)

- Ask questions about the project

- Contribute your own ideas to Project Bossa

- Spreading information about the project among friends, colleagues, on social networks

- Help with the project website

- Contact organisations that can collaborate with the project

- helping to find investors

At the moment this is voluntary work, but this may change in the future. The internet allows sympathisers in every corner of the world to get involved.


1 year return on investment:

15,000,000 USD / 200 states = 75,000 USD = 6,250 USD sales in one state in one month. Average sales from a shop €10. Must have 625 customers in one state, 125,000 customers worldwide. There are about 400 million businesses and entrepreneurs worldwide. So it is necessary to get 0.03% of the market.

Return on investment in 5 years:

Revenue of $1,250 in one state in 1 month. Average revenue per entrepreneur 10 €. Must have 125 regular customers in one state or 25,000 customers worldwide. This corresponds to a market share of 0.006%.

Author: Jozef Stasík








1. PROGRAMMERS - Design a more attractive website

2. VOLUNTEERS - To find sympathizers of the Project Bossa in India


SLOVAKIA - Bratislava







World Bank